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The stem of the conflict in Medea was Jasons infidelity and betrayal. That's hat started the whole ordeal. If Jason had never cheated on Medea and they'd had discussed things and tried to find a way to fix their relationship then Medea would't have found it neccesary to take revenge and kill everyone. 

In this way we're using Medea as an example of Infidelity and the drastic consequences it may have for everyone involved. 



After fleeing from Colchis, Medea's homeland, they start a new life in Corinth and have two Children. Things are good intill the Jason decides to cheat on Medea with the daughter of King Creon so that he can raise his social standing. Medea devestated by this and even more when she is asked to leave so that her ex husband may get married. She ask the King to let her stay one more day and begins her revenge. She starts of by sending the bride a poisoned dress that kills her along with her father. To finish it off and destroy Jason she kills her own children and rides of in a Golden Chariot.

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