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 Despite jokes and hollywood depictions of ancient greece as a sexual free for all, adultery was actually seen as really bad like it is today, and could seriously hurt reputations and become a scandal if it occured in upper class families. Marriage was seen as a contract, and contracts aren’t supposed to be broken, but it was taken a little less seriously when the man cheated. If it had been the other way around, Jason would have also probably killed her lover, as it was normal to do this in the case of a cheating spouse, and the government in ancient Greece wouldnt interfere. That is, if they were actually married. In general though, the women at that time weren't expected or supposed to do anything if they found their spouse cheating.

 Infidelity (also referred to as cheating, adultery, or having an affair) is the subjective feeling that one's partner has violated a set of rules or relationship norms and this violation results in feelings of sexual jealousy and rivalry.

Throughout History

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